Apr 29, 2022
Highlights and key takeouts from presenters at the SMSF
Association National Conference this year.
In the second part of this podcast, hosts Aaron Dunn and Miranda
Brownlee speak to three more presenters about the important topics
covered in their sessions at the conference.
We first chat with Belinda Aisbett,...
Apr 27, 2022
Highlights and key takeouts from presenters at the SMSF
Association National Conference this year.
In this two-part podcast, hosts Aaron Dunn and Miranda Brownlee
speak to a range of presenters about the important lessons and
points covered in their sessions at the conference.
In this episode, we chat to SMSF...
Apr 20, 2022
Technical expert Graeme Colley highlights some of the traps
arising with the related-party definition and some of the key
problem areas involving related parties.
In this episode, SuperConcepts executive manager, SMSF technical
and private wealth, Graeme Colley delves into some of the
areas where the definition can...
Apr 6, 2022
Aaron Dunn outlines the impact of the recent electronic
execution measures on SMSFs and provides an inside scoop on the
next phase of the government’s plans.
With the use of electronic execution measures that were introduced
during COVID-19 now permanent, Aaron discusses what impact these
changes have in relation to...