Dec 28, 2021
With a number of superannuation measures still sitting in
Parliament and an upcoming election, 2022 looks set to be another
eventual year for the SMSF industry.
As 2022 kicks off, hosts Aaron Dunn and Miranda Brownlee examine
what the major changes will be for this year and what SMSF
practitioners should be paying...
Dec 15, 2021
In their final podcast for the year, hosts Aaron Dunn and
Miranda Brownlee reflect on what changes had the greatest impact on
SMSF professionals this year and explore some lingering practical
2021 brought further changes to systems and processes with the
introduction of director identification numbers for SMSFs...
Dec 1, 2021
With the SuperStream measures now in place, SMSF professionals
play an important role in helping clients manage some of the
practical issues with rollovers, such as timing.
Following the introduction of the SuperStream measures on 1 October
2021, release authorities and rollovers to and from SMSFs are now
required to...
Nov 19, 2021
With myriad changes impacting the SMSF space over the past two
years, there has never been a better time for advisers to regroup
and expand their knowledge.
In this episode of The SMSF Adviser Show, Peter Burgess, Deputy CEO
/ Director of Policy & Education at the SMSF Association, gives
listeners a special preview of...
Nov 17, 2021
The SMSF Association has received confirmation from Treasury
that under the proposed extension of the non-concessional
contribution bring-forward rules, there will be no phase-out of the
bring-forward rule for individuals approaching age 75.
In this week’s episode of the SMSF Adviser Show, hosts Aaron Dunn
and Emma...